Tuesday 24 May 2016

Pativai's Awesome Science Week

On the 17th of may in hub 8, all of hub 8 did science experiments cause of science week. We all rotated around going with our reading teachers first, then going on to the next experiment. We got to do three different experiments that I couldn't wait to do.

I went with Miss Parker first my literacy teacher and we did a fun experiment called the fizz inflator. First Miss Parker showed us what some of the ingredients were if you were doing biology for example, h2o was water and carbon dioxide was gas.

For our first fizz inflator bottle we put yeast h2o and sugar and we did that in a different bottle. We put an balloon on top to see if it was inflating to make the balloon go up. Miss Parker told us that we put the sugar in because the yeast needs to eat on something.

In the other bottle we put baking soda in the balloon we put vinegar in the bottle, then we put the balloon on and it reacted so quickly. I got to see the balloon fill up with air so quickly. I was wondering if you put in another ingredient would it still fizz up.

I thought that the way that it fizzed up was because of the ingredients inside of the baking soda and the vinegar then the, baking soda and vinegar combined it can cause a fizz and since we put an balloon on top trapping it, inside it filled the balloon.

I went to my second rotation this one was with  Mr Stuart he was doing dancing raisins. We first sat down and did a prediction before we got to the real experiment. My prediction was that the bubbles from the soda water would have some kind of reaction to the raisins. Since raisins are a solid and soda water is liquid it could do something to make the raisins float and sink.

I did my experiment with Faith and Shanya. We poured some soda water in the cup the we popped some raisins in. First the raisins floated then they sunk, we waited for quite a while and they started to go to the top. The raisins were kind of connected to the bubbles and I thought that the bubbles caused it to go up and down.

I moved onto my last rotation with Whaea Nin, she was doing the super duper hooper loopers. It was a kind of airplane that could fly really far and we also had a example and it flew really far. First we took an long piece strip of paper then glued it so the two end connected. We also did the same to small strip of paper. We glued it onto an straw with the hoops at each end of the straw.

The excitement of science was really fun, the super duper loopers was my favourite part even understanding why it flyed so far. The dancing raisin was fun to look at as it bounced like on an trampoline and the and the fizz inflator it just blew straight up by adding in one other ingredient it was really fun to experiment all of them.

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